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What makes a good first car?

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We are at the stage where a first car is needed.. 21 years old and a boy! Yup that's the whole insurance for less than 3 grand out the window then...

But it got me thinking...

I have friends who do this today and am aware that the start for a lot of these new car deals are 21years old... Anyone have any experience of these kinda deals that include insurance etc etc etc...at all?

I know the French & Italian Companies do deals and this may be an option against the £500 1.0 saxo that'll have 100k miles on it and will be worth something above the insurance value... LOL... that doesnt need to be repaired every day... although I do like aspects of needing to maintain it etc....

Anyway If anyone has experience of these deals or has a better idea on what car to buy to beat the inusrance issues then please let me know



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Can't help with the deals part of things, but I found insurance can be cheaper for less common things that you wouldn't dream of insuring. I'm 22 now and insure a VR6 Turbo for a grand and a 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4.7 V8 for 500 quid! Whereas I know people my age paying more on sensible corsa's and fiesta's etc.

My advice would be to try something different, after all the depreciation on a new car is more than the insurance would cost on other stuff, and not forgetting you have to fork-out for a new car in the first place.

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My first car was a 1.5 yaris t sport. I had no idea they even made t sports till I stumbled across one one day while car hunting. They're basically a Yaris shell but done up with nicer spoilers etc, sports seats, better gearbox, better steering wheel etc etc. I drove my mums 1.3 yaris t spirit to compare and the difference is tremendous. The t sports handling is top notch. Few of my mates took the piss outta it at first cos its a Yaris but after a drive had changed their opinions. As standard the ride heights a bit high but fit a set of coilovers and they look pretty nice.

They only weigh about 900kg and have about 103bhp so was pretty quick off the mark. Was very nippy wee car and not too expensive to insure (group 8E). Would highly recommend one to anyone young looking for a first car, assuming you're looking for cheap to run etc etc). I insured one at 18 for £665ish (with years no claims on mums car). Then renewal price was £538ish (aged 19). Both policies were third party though, woulda been extra 200 on each to go fully comp. Also in my part of scotland car insurance is pretty cheap compared to most other parts of the uk so not sure if you'd get similar quotes, doubt it'd be much more though.

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