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The McDaddy of discussion on Winter tyres

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Hi Y'all,

So I would like to hear other peoples opinions on winter tyres... Now I know this has been touched on before. So here are a couple of facts to get us going.

They improve traction and breaking in wet and snow type conditions from around 5-7 Degrees and below!

This is a given... So lets discuss..

Are they worth fitting in the UK and is that a North, South, East or West thing?

Is it only worth doing if you do milage vs the school run?

Is it worth getting different wheels and tyre package or just fitting tyres?

Should the tyres be narrower? Is there a rule for the sizing etc?

What is the right time of year to actually fit them?

How long do you leave them on?

Where to buy them and who makes a good brand (not just cheap-est)?

So anything else you have to offer please...

I ask as I am seriously considering it this year as there seems to have been progress made in design.. I drove abroad on winter tyres and you can feel the difference.. how can it be law 25 miles south of the coast and not here to fit them?

I also think from general concensus that this year is expeted to be a cold one and therefore may have more benefit.

Also and I suppose finally any downsides or concerns about them...?


See linky for the AutoExpress 2012 tests.. LHS side panel for indivdual results and conslusions


Thanks all in advance


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i was reading CAR magazine the other day and they completed a comprehensive test. they believe that the continental contiwintercontact is the best tyre. they then compared the above tyre, snow chains, and snow socks driving on compacted snow. snow socks provided maximum grip but are a pain in the back side to put on and only suitable for emergency when you get stuck. Winter tyres were a very close second. they also out perform many summer tyres when the weather is below 7 degrees celsius.

Never actually owned a set myself but it was a good review.

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