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This is just a general rant about the number of people on here who waste your time.

I was under the impression that this was a 'club', and therefore that people would generally relate to each other and be helpful to their fellow VR6ers. I have to say that this hasn't been my experience over the past 12 months or so.

People post parts for sale, I reply to their message on the forum... then nothing.

So I tried PM'ing people instead... nothing.

So I tried contacting the mobile numbers on listings.... ignored. Texts, phone calls, you name it - no reply.

Alternatively I'm offered some BS about how busy the sellers are, the dog ate the part in question, some disaster has happened etc. etc. etc. Accidents do happen, life does get in the way sometimes, but mostly this is just pure unadulterated BS. I'm long enough in the tooth to have heard it all before.

The only guy I've successfully dealt with so far is Jim Potter - whom I hasten to add I didn't have any problems with whatsoever. He offered a part, I offered some cash, he responded promptly and the part arrived the next week. That's how simple it should be. That's the whole point of the 'market place' section.

Everyone else has been a complete waste of my time. If I wanted mucked about, patronised and my time wasted, I'd just go to Halfrauds. Or Bumtree.

The admins should remove the selling privileges of those people who mess others about, in my humble opinion.

This is supposed to be a haven for VR6 owners, where you can buy stuff from people who know exactly what they're talking about. However, you'd need to get a meaningful reply for that to happen.

Sorry about that. Rant over. :-(

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I feel your anger, especially when people don't respond to parts your after. But I'm not sure what admin can do about it, all they could do is contact them, the same way that you have. You will always have people that waste your time or mess you about, you just have to try to sort them out or move on :)

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Not much we can do I'm afraid buddy. It's just a fact of life where people choose to behave in a certain way, happens here, ads in papers / online / eBay.

As we are only a facilitator of allowing people to advertise, some of which may not be club numbers - (club members indicated with a spanner icon under their name) there isn't much we can get involved with directly.

We do however have this feedback section so you can share your experiences with sellers, I'd encourage you so write seperate positive and negative, if you write negative feedback then other people are less likely to waste their time and energy on that seller and will steer (see what I did there? :) ) towards sellers with a positive feedback...

Like with any forums you get people who sign up, post classifieds on here and other forums and never update posts if they sell on other forums.

Frustrating I know but not everyone is like that on here :)

We have over 10,600 users on here don't forget so there will be always be a small but growing percentage of bad buyer / seller experiences.

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Yeah, it happens elsewhere too. It's just a pain. I wasn't meaning to sound critical of the site or anything - I'm on here all the time and there's a reason why I keep coming back. And, like I said, when you're dealing with the right people it's a good source of parts. But I've not got that much time to spend on my car so I hate when it's being wasted, trying to sort out deals that are never going to happen.

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