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SO I need a vent..

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Right I know the guy didnt do it deliberatly.... & I am fine HOWEVER!!!!!!!"

I was in a car park walkng to my car and some numpty in his car stopped to take my space as I left... Now the way he stopped alerted me... He stopped exactly where I needed to cross the capark area to get to my car... right in front of the car... I stopped looked at him and he stared at me...

So i think okay safest way... and i remember thinking this... is to go behind him but leave space he's an idiot...

One step in and C$$T as he is now known slams it in reverse and doesnt stop... I jumped and slamed the side of his car with a few words of my intent and then the window comes down and Sorry shouted and off he F$$ks........

Yes I'm fine you C$$T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew he wasn't thinking and looking I could tell...

The Moral... Despite making alowances for the drivers. They still do the wrong thing!Always keep yourself in their eye sight and tell the public what You're doing... This applies on All areas of cars... Motorways/Pavements/anywhere they can get to really...

I hate the generalpublic!!!


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i almost had a guy in a car take me out while pushing my child in a buggy. i had to get between the car and the buggy before he noticed we where there!!

its the same on the roads, people dont drive with consideration for others, they drive like they are the only ones on the road!

To avoid an accident on todays roads you have to drive like every other person WILL do something moronic at any given chance

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When I passed my driving test my dad said to me "treat everyone on the road as n idiot cuz you never know what some people are gonna do" n he was right, I know not everyone is an idiot but honestly you never know who's gonna do what. I used to be a van driver n some of the things I've seen is unbelievable.

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I hate the general public on the roads. Ive drove class 1 HGV for nearly 11yrs now have seen some some unbelievable things on the roads over the years. I drive a 63ft long car transporter now and these d*co heads dont understand how unstable my truck becomes when these morons pull in front of you and jam on the brakes and I have to jam on the brakes and manover round them (whilst braying the horn and shouting obscenities)

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