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Crankcase breather (stinking my vr out)

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hello guys :)

got a question about my crankcase breather, the engine i bought had one of them silly air filter type things coming off the crankcase but this was always smoking and causing the fumes to come inside my car through the air vents. i then connected some tubing from the crankcase to out the bottom off the drivers wing.... but im still getting the fumes in the car.

is there a way i can recirculate it into the air pipes? or is there another way so i dont get fumigated haha

cheers all

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The standard pipework should recirc it back into the inlet as standard. I would have a guess that the breather valve split in the past and it was cheaper to fit a breather filter than replace the valve. You need the standard intake elbow and pcv valve to cure it.

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yeh not much space, the silly thing is with mine the turbo is the opposite to what i see other people have, like the air filter is on the right of the engine now and i think it takes up more room, especially where the battery "used" to be :)

so this catch tank has a filter on it? doesnt that woft out any fumes? thank you guys for your replys. much appreciated :D

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