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It can't just be me.... Can it???

I travel a lot and I feel that it is making me more of a grumpy old man!

Now these simple ideas apply to trains and Planes... But so as not to complicate things... I will talk about planes...

I can pretty much bet that everytime you approach a desk or a person in uniform. You have an action to perform. So why are people alwasy so surprised and unpreperred?

Step one the first people you see are at the check in... I am confident in suggesting you will need passport and a reference number... So why do you need to rummage to find them? Were you not a cub scout or a brownie? This is also a good way to avoid "discussion 1" of the day when travelling with loved ones.

Step two. You will need the items you get back off the desk for this step.. Customs... They wanna know your information. Dont start digging again... Keep it handy.. Again why are you surpised by their questions? I know people are a big deal in their family etc but the officer doesnt know you personally...

Step 3... "Plastic Bags"... place the plastic bag in the top of your luggage for those 100ml items and not at the bottom... Also yes the coat/belt/shoes will need to go in one of those trays along with EVERYTHING in your pockets.. All the signs and videos confirm this as you stand in line. So why is it a surprise when they ask you to remove stuff and not take the bottle of coke through with you?? Oh and dont stand in the middle of everyone putting it back on... If I come accross you I will send you sprawling... - Peace and luv to all :D

Step 4.... Boarding.... You're gonna need something again... Can you guess what the ticket check and then the staff at the plane door are going to ask for?? Why are you surprised when they ask for it??

Step 5.... You're going to sit down... if you're posh it has a number and a letter! Do you think you might need it???? So as you walk down the plane looking for your seat... Row 1 is at the front! Take a stab.... most mid size planes have a minimumof 30 rows... so are you front? middle? back? The letter... Look at row 1 and see if A is left or A is right... then tie that up with the number on that bit of paper in your bag!

Step 6.... Luggage and Coats. Are you going to leave them in the isle? OMG!!!! It needs to go above your head!!!! Do it stop fannying around. If you need help ask the staff as you pass them not when you find your seat! I will help you also, as a person off the street... so please ask... If for no other reason than to get you outta my way... The jacket... how about taking it off before entering the plane??? Also what about keeping the technology and magazines in a small ish bag so you can pop it under the seat and then sort your self out at your pace whilst everyone else gets in... It really beats me sending you sprawling as you block the isle for every other pasanger who wants you to sit the FCUK down... Peace and Luv to all :D

Step 7......The phone.!! do you really need to call mum and tell her you' re in your seat???? The same as I have landed 5 seconds ago??? I think not.. Remember if Customs catch you on the phone they have the power to take it from you and you can do NOTHING other than enjoy the cavity search!!!

Finally in one big lump... You're gonna get off.... Would it surprise you to know you're gonna need all the items you needed before and in the reverse order??? HOWEVER, You may find it easier to get off the plane then put averything where it belongs rather than getting a surprise when your overhead bag cannot be lifted out by one hand and then people aroound you get in a strop becasue you are not getting off the plane or have just dropped your bag on their heads etc....

Now I am a seasoned traveller and have a routine down. I am not rushing around at the last second as I have issues about being late. So just get your stuff organised and enjoy a safe and carefree trip. It makes everyone elses trip better as well..

It cant just be me.... can it????

Peace and Luv All :D

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