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Payday moved with 3 days notice GRR

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Just a little rant

Boss rings me today an tells me they have moved payday, knowing full well i have direct debits to cover!!

unfortunately my contract only states AROUND the 25th otherwise i might have had a case!

TBH its not gonna end the world but its just a real Ball ache that i gotta rush around changing D/Ds

an i been here 10 years so im kinda waiting for them to fold so i can get my redundancy before i leave

Rant over

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I would take the chance to pop in... I am sure your contract allows you to review any change of status... and I am confident that empolyment law states something about "reasonable notice". So point out it causes you an issue, even if it is just to get it on records. You never know they may cover your costs for movement of funds... (Dreaming but hey).

Why is it being moved? is it a one off??? All good communication points.. So if they are not offering information then dig (quite within your rights as an employee) - just be "cool" about it.... It could just be an accounting process....

Personally - I just need to know these things :D

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