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Hi all just got hold of a bmc cda and have a question its second hand and has been serviced by previous owner but I just want to check its back together correctly, which way does the element go, does the red plastic part face towards the engine ie to the maf or away from the maf it has the advisory as to the way it should go on the casing but just want to be sure its got the element in correctly

Cheers matt

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I was on the understanding that k&n types tend to oil the maf sensor and damage it aswell, I had a k&n on a golf vr I had and tbh made no difference apart from the noise and not ling after killed my maf but could have been bad timing

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Thought you weren't supposed to clean them under normal non desert bowl conditions that often anyway like every 50k miles or something and that the filter with a bit of dust from normal conditions actually filters the air better than a just cleaned one.

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