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Started removing the gearbox tonight to get to the chains and upon removing the top bell housing bolt a lot of coolant started pouring out of the bolt hole!!!

Had a quick look on google and it appears the someone has put too long a bolt in which in turn cracks the water jacket?

Ever wish you'd never started a job :(

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Cheers guys, still weighing up my options at the minute, hoping it'll go back in and seal itself again until I can sort out what I'm gonna do engine wise.

The strange thing is both of the bolts that I removed from the top are the same length so I'm not sure whats gone on? Either he's wound the wrong bolt in then realised and put the right bolt in or the wrong bolt has gone in but kept everything water tight as it's never lost any water while I've owned it?

Ah the joys of old VW's haha!

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Aw, that sucks mate!

You should be good, applying some sealant to it.. (Loctite, for instance).

But, the next time you want that screw out, you'll be struggling against the laws of loctite - You're going to have a bad time!

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