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Coolant coming out of header tank

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So having fixed all the coolant leaks on my vr it now seams to be coming out of the header tank cap even though its brand new. Do you guys think my head gasket could be on its way out i.e exhaust gasses causing extra pressure in the cooling system and the cap trying to release pressure?

The coolant pipes don't seam to be to pressurized and there is no misfire when starting from cold but there was a bit of excess steam on a cold morning but i just thought that was coz it was cold.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated, i suspect head gasket has gone but just want to make sure before i start pulling things apart.

Oh and any recommendations on extra things i should do while head off? heard valve guides was a good one to do.

Cheers guys, Pete

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Hi Pete!

Welcome to the club!!

Don't panic just yet, it could be something as an air lock.... I had horrific issues with my corrado boiling over and out the header tank when I did an overhaul.

Are you getting hot air from your heater vents?

The only reliable way of checking if its head gasket is to do a sniffer test that detects exhaust gasses in your coolent system, can be obtained cheaply and will give you an indication of what's going on...

If your engine has done 80k+ then I'd recommend valve guides and seals, you'd have to get the guides ground in etc... If you've not done timing chains, might be a good opirtunity to do those as well, but you'll need take gearbox off for that :)

Let us know how you get on with the sniffer test!

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As Pete says, get a sniffer test / leakdown test done, that'll tell you what's what, hopefully is just air in the system.

If you do have to take the head off, just have a good look round, make sure the tensioners on the chain aren't broken e.t.c and check the guides for wear e.t.c

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Thanks Pete,

I've been a member and owned my vr for just over a year now but not been on here much. Guess living in NZ makes you a bit distant haha!

Well its funny you should sat that coz i have done heaps of work on her in the past month.

Rebuilt the gearbox, all bearings were shot. New clutch to.

Did all the chains and guides while the box was out as she's done 210,000 kms. very glad i did it tensioner guide almost warn through!

Also fitted new thermostat and all pipes as well as a 70 deg thermostat and a new radiator

Oh and various gaskets seals and service things to keep fluids in the engine!

The heater comes out warm but not red hot when on full wack but i thought that was coz of the low temp thermostat, and it seems to be hotter when car is stationary which is to be expected i guess.

So if she is air locked what's the best thing to do to check that? run engine to temp with cap off?

Yea i guess thats going to be the definitive answer to get a sniff test done.

Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated ;)

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Nah there's no signs of overheat at all gauge stays dead up right and fans all working as they should.

Thats a good idea luke might try that :)

Nope not water pump she's had a new one of them to.

I drove down shops and back today from cold literally 2km gauge barely got to 70 degs. Popped the bonnet when i got back and just out of curiosity checked the coolant hoses and they were quite hard like there was some pressure behind it shorely that cant be right?? Released pressure from the cap and it did seam like a lot.

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Hmm yea thats true its been in there a month or so and ive done a couple of long trips in that time, about 1200km and the coolant is still its lovely pink long life coolant colour :) only its making a mess of my engine bay :(

Ok so to summaries new parts in the cooling system ive replaced because they were leaking. (done over a period of a year)

Oil cooler

Core plug just above oil cooler

Plastic coolant pipes/housings around engine inc o rings and seals

70 deg thermostat

All 3 sensors/switches in thermostat housing

Water pump


Expansion tank & cap

Think thats it

Problems keeping coolant in system it seams that the system is over pressurizing and the cap is releasing pressure and dribbling coolant out

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