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How do guys :)

So, the story goes that my golf blew a head gasket a while ago, more like a year ago! Been very busy. Anyways finally got it all built back up again, but the fuel pump isnt priming, and it isnt getting a spark, would a clifford alarm cut the coil and fuel pump?

Any other ideas?

Cheers chaps :)

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Possible. When my clifford is immobilised I don't get get anything... No dash lights, power to aux pump, throttle body etc....

Do you get anything at all?

Check your in-line fuses on your clifford?

Usually it chirps once and the clifford blue LED goes out when it's dis armed....

check the big engine multi plug in the engine bay, make sure it's properly connected :)

I have the clifford software and cable (40 quid off eBay) you can plug it in and it will tell you exactly what state the alarm is in....

Are you able vag-com it or is it totally dead?

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So basically with the alarm, It will arm and flash the hazards when i unlock the door e.t.c, (and turn the wipers on for some reason??) the red clifford LED thats been mounted below my cd player flashes, the ignition comes up fine, and displays the message "LN02" which i believe just means inspection? it will crank and sound ok, but its just doesnt fire!? when the ignition is on i can hear the throttle body align, but i cant hear the fuel pump prime, but was working perfectly fine before? vag com displays no issues, and when i took the spark plug out i couldnt see it arcing, even on a different known coil pack.

any ideas?

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