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Bonnet Hinge Removal

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Hi, Had a problem with my bonnet catch and my bonnet flew open bending the bonnet and almost smashing my windscreen, thankfully the bonnet lifters stopped it but completely wrecked the bonnet, i have a new bonnet on the way but the actual hingers are bent, not sure if its worth just rebending the hinges which could be difficult to actually align, The fella im getting the bonnet off said he will chuck the hinges in but im not sure how to remove them, Has anyone got any advice?


Cheers Dan

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Hi, Had a problem with my bonnet catch and my bonnet flew open bending the bonnet and almost smashing my windscreen, thankfully the bonnet lifters stopped it but completely wrecked the bonnet, i have a new bonnet on the way but the actual hingers are bent, not sure if its worth just rebending the hinges which could be difficult to actually align, The fella im getting the bonnet off said he will chuck the hinges in but im not sure how to remove them, Has anyone got any advice?

Cheers Dan

Hey, that's unlucky but at the same time lucky it didn't cause major damage! I've known cars get written off when that's happened ! Must have been brown pants moment!!!!

I'm pretty sure it's 2 bolts that hold it on the car and 2 that hold on the bonnet.

I would go down the route of replacing , they will be a nightmare align your bent ones and you'll never be happy with how it looks....

Club Chairman

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