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im looking to buy a new head unit. Ive seen a bunch with 'Dedicated sub-preout RCA'.

What is this? Is it a normal pre-out but only sends low fequencies which you need to plug into an amp?, or do you connect it directly to the sub? Either way what are the benefits?

Ive currenlty got an amp running front comps and another running a 10" sub.

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Basically this is what you want if your going to run a sub- you can adjust the amount of power you send the sub from the head unit. I had 2 amps in my last vr one 800W running 2 x 12" and another running rear and front door components. You could eassly adjust the amount of bass depending on the type of music i was playing....

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not many headunits have a cross over on the sub out (most of the higher spec pioneer ones do though) you will find that all it is, is a non fading output ie it don't matter where the balance or front/rear fader is set you will still get the same level of output to the subs. you should have a level adjustment (which effectively adjusts the volume) on it though which will be controlable from the headunit

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