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Samsung Galaxy Smart Watch

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the Samsung one looks a bit pap to be honest, the sony watch looks better....


only thing that would annoy me is the battery life!


not sure what advantages there are to a smart watch over a phone?


no doubt once Apple have released one, I will immediately will want to buy it though!! LOL

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I think they are stupid which is ironic as they are smart watches. What lazy bastard can't be arsed to look all the way to their phone for who is calling them?

The only reason I made the topic about it is because they put predators "smart watch" in the ad

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Seems I'm not the only one that thinks the ad is actually better than the product it advertises.

"Samsung's Galaxy Gear ad is cooler than the actual watch," noting that "critics may have savaged Samsung's first Galaxy Gear smartwatch but that hasn't stopped the company's crack marketing team from churning out a terrific ad that's much cleverer than the device itself."

"As some of you may know, Samsung’s Gear isn’t a futuristic wrist-phone like images from the TV shows and movies depicted in its commercial. Instead, it’s a $300 Bluetooth headset strapped to the wrist and outfitted with a camera and a display. The device currently requires a user to also carry a Note 3 phablet for it to work at all."

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