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In out? Shake it all about.

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Hello ladys and gents. This is my first post on here as ive bought my first vr6 mk3 golf a couple of weeks ago. I'll post a build thread up of the maintainence and shiney bits that go on once the weather gets better and once I get underway.

But here is my question. So I need to do a head gasket on the vr and whilst im at it im going to do the chains upper and lower. Is it worth pulling the engine out to do it? Or shall i just work aroud it and leave it in? The book time to pull the lump out is 7 hours aparently. Would I need to drop the subframe off to do it? Or just pull the front end off and lift it out the front? Hmm?? comments and tip would be great many thanks.

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If you are going that route lift it out with the front off is the easiest, the entire front end comes off in 6 bolts, the worst part is wrangling the gearbox out in situ, I would take the whole lot out still together.

Dunno about 7 hours I did headgasket, full chains and clutch and ended up taking about 2 weeks lol, did get quite sidetracked with anything I decided needed doing on the way though, and had to remove and reinstall the gearbox twice though (the worst job of it all with the block still in the car!) as my flywheel was no longer flat so with the new clutch was shaking like a shitting dog.

When I did it I took the head off and the gearbox out, left the block in as you don't really need to do anything that needs it out. If you only take the box and head off its also possible to do it without a crane.

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Lump out in seven hours!!?

I pulled a lump out in around two. I was stripping the car so I wasn't too careful; but it's not that hard of a job with the right equipment.

I'm doing my head soon and I'm 100% going the engine out route. Yeah, it's more long winded but there will be less swearing and you'll be able to inspect the full engine and the bay much easier. I'm planning around 4 days work as I want to clean mine up and paint a few parts.

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