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golf vr6 only blowing slightly warm air?

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been like it a while now since changing the heater matrix on the golf mk3 vr6, ive tried the method of leaving it running with the header tank cap off squeezing all the water pipes but the heaters dont blow really warm air, its coldish still!! pipes to the matrix is one is hot and the other is warm, is there any other way of bleeding it out fully?

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Sounds like an airlock, try pointing the car up a really steep hill maybe the air will flow out then as air will always want to rise


is there some sort of machine that can sort it out? was fine before the matrix change

Edited by paceo
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If you've had dash out - are your Bowden cables operating correctly? When I did my matrix the flaps / cables were not operating correctly which resulted in coolish air coming through. Club Chairman


they seem all connected! when i turn to cold its proper cold! when i turn to hot its slightly warm!

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