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Making the steering heavier/more feel

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Hi guys! Not an issue as such but wondering if there's a way to make the steering a bit heavier to give it more 'feel'. Obviously I don't want to remove the power steering, cause it would be like driving a tank. But whenever I take the car for a spirited drive, I just feel like there's a lack of feel from the steering. Possibly due to tyres aswel as the profile it quite high, bit that will be sorted soon. Any ideas? Or is it something I'll have to deal with? All the steering components are fine, suspension, bushings etc. and no leaks from the rack etc. and tips/ideas appreciated:)

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Nice one, I know I need an alignment as the steering wheel is squint, but I just done both cv joints so it's down to that. So will give that a go and hopefully that will sharpen it up:) don't suppose you know the settings? Often hard getting a decent set up at the place I go to, I think they have more of a general setting compared to a specific car setting:)

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