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First off..... I hate heater matrixs,

Secondly..... I hate air con more

And thirdly.... I hate vw for making what should be a simple thing, a near on impossible task that can make me see red.

Why would they design a vehicle so badly underneath that to change a heater matrix on an air con model literally means removing your whole air con system, knee bars the lot.

I am giving it to a garage to do the rest before I koose it with it.

Right now I hate my vr6.

Cant wait to spend another £200 in labour charges

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Yep, I hear that! I've spent a fair bit labour wise on mine. I work on the theory it's better to pay someone to get fucked off with my car, my top blows when a piece of plastic/metal/glass won't do what I'm carefully and methodically trying and do with it, wether on my car, round the house or at work. I'm a really placid bloke too, but inanimate objects make my blood boil when they don't behave!!!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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If I didnt have air con It would be a blast. . .

I hope to save on labour charges seeminf as ive already done hakf the work. I will ask for a quote on just replacing the matrix and pipes then ill refit the dash, and a quote for completing the job lol.

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