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Anyone know Dan Farrows, user name 'dan-farrows1'

I bought a coil pack from him, paid over two weeks ago and no sign of it, his last message to me was telling me he had posted it but that was over 10 days ago.

I'm getting a bit concerned that I may have been fleeced, anyone in contact with him? Maybe give him a little nudge.

Many thanks


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If you get stuck have a spare coil pack here. Although I appreciate that wont get your money back or the unit you have already paid for.


Bought a new one on the advice it would cure a running problem I had.

It didn't (was a MAF wiring problem).

So I have the original one sat gathering dust, which actually doesn`t look that old.


Drop me a PM if you get stuck.

Daveyboy on here can speak for me.

Good luck in the meantime.




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