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VR6 Rusted, coolant, pipe, flange, input thing?

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So, I'm having to replace the VR6 in my Scirocco with another one.. (Another story for another time) 


I have the replacement engine ready to go in, well almost.. 

After having a quick look over the new engine to see what I need to order for it, I've noticed this pipe has rusted very badly, probably to someone running the car on just water for quite sometime.. whatever, I need to fix it.. 


The one on my broken engine is corroded even worse so I can only assume this is somewhat a common problem with the VR's. 


So, does anyone know, how to get the rusted one out and if I can get a replacement from Volkswagen, does anyone know a proper name for this part or a part number ect.. 


All help is appreciated.. 


Here's a couple of pictures of the culprit. 


24503192340_162d1da7a4_z.jpgUntitled by Jake Jezard, on Flickr


24772492096_5771918a06_z.jpgUntitled by Jake Jezard, on Flickr

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  • 7 months later...

Alright chaps.


Take a look - there is no part number first of all.




There are a few options with this.


1) Just clean it up - more than likely surface rust anyway unless its penetrated the metal! of course you would need to ensure debris doesn't fall within the coolant channels and would need flushing out.  

2) replace with an AN fitting.

3) remove and press a new pipe in - from what I understand they were not designed to be replaced so not worth the haste.

4) get another head where the pipe is in a better condition - they are cheap enough these days!

5) remove head and get it vapor blasted, and cleaned up properly.


The engine shown here looks like its been standing in the rain and I would question if its actually worth putting in unless its a good known working engine.


If the physical integrity of the pipe is ok then don't worry.



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