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Well guys its official...i got my VR6 last nyt and what can i say?.....

oh my god......oh my god...oh my god.....

the car has the best sound in the world ever..

it pulls...and pulls...and pulls....

but im sure you all know this.....lol

other than thinking to myself im going to have to control my right foot abit im all smiles from ear to ear....

she is a real street sleeper too and has no badges at all.....but im going to give people a clue with the vr6oc sticker.....

See ya all at E38

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oooh yeah mate you are gonna love it . . . .

i still love that noise 4 years later

isn't 3rd gear amazing !!!!!!!!!!!

does yours have an induction kit on if not just you wait for the noise then !!!! . . . .

but you will need to watch that right foot - silly speeds come up all to quickly don't they !!

enjoy 1123752936_594_FT72917_forum_front_.jpg

oh yeah - buy some shares in shell or esso or bp!!!!!

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yeh it has an induction kit already and above 4k its so loud....

cant wait to get some more goodies for her..... needs a few things to get her to tip top cond but then again she is 8 years old....

off to get me some cleaning goodies at dinner to get her shining and sparkling

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the car has the best sound in the world ever..

it pulls...and pulls...and pulls....

but im sure you all know this.....lol

buy a decat pipe and an exaust ;);) !amazed !amazed !amazed

welcome to the best engine noise this side of aston martin (and i genuinly mean that only alfa romeo v6s get close imo)

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