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Don't panic buy people, treat things as normal, panic buying was the only cause of shortage during the last protests/blockades. I have heard that the government will take a very hard stance on this action this time, the Army will be called straight in to clear any blockades. I would support any protest though.

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I cannot see the army getting involved

This will 'fuel' Riots with Joe public who like a good fight.

Then it will damage the govement, they wont do it.

I'm all for the blockade as my other half works for Essex Ambulance.

On Last blockade she had a special pass to fill up her/MY car 8)

Bring on the blockade ~:(

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I'm all for any blockade, I think the tax is outrageous. I'm just saying that panic buying plays into the governments hands ensuring all petrol is sold instantly, it only stuffs up those people who don't get to the pumps first. You have half the country driving round with sh*te loads more petrol in their cars than normal and in jerrycans, and the other half of the public with none at all. Its only those with none that suffer! Anyway never mind the public fighting the army, I think what will annoy the public more long term is lack of fuel, not the army trying to clear a blockade. They're on the same side in some ways. Bring it on though :-) I'd like to see a bit of a reaction to the government, they get away with too much imo.

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we're british, we love queuing, we love to pay through our noses for what is essentially decomposed animals and what not (fuel)....However if you give a protest or some sort of blockade, we'll be fine, during that time we all become bravehearts and will stand for no army sh!t.....the british public is quite resliant, but if you give them a good demonstration to partake in (+ beer and football) you will get a riot.

I remember the blockade when i first went to do my undergraduate degree in 2000, it was a few months before i got my licence, so it didnt matter....public transport isnt that bad (unless u comparei t with your supercharged highline lol)

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Im for the blockades and think the truckers should cause as much havoc as possible & so should anyone else thats joining in - just to let the government know that the Uk doesnt always take things lieing down - I can live without petrol for a week or so - Im looking at a ban for a week or 2 on the 20th September so this may conicide nicely!

Re: Signature - Cheers Andy that was from when I took the car round the ring in June - how my mate managed to give a thumbs up to a photographer I'll never know! 8)

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