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Just popped down to The Phirm today just to have a standard exhaust put on due to some serious rust on the previous. I have been there lots replacing hoses, water pump etc..trying to sort out a leak i had, but we still couldnt get to the bottom of it. Ian had a look at it today and it turns out the Head gasket has gone :( and said i was talking big money ie 7 hrs to get the head off and because of the mileage (124,800) he said i should get the timing chains done?? Now i m a bit ignorant when it comes to the mechanics, but can work out that this is going to be a rather large hole in my wallet!

The problem is i want to sell the car? so what do i do?!?

1.) Get it done then sell it.

2.) Put it on e-bay explaining the problem and hope some one wouldnt mind taking on the work themselves

3.) If i d get money breaking it up?

either way i d lose money really

It is a lovely car, it came with some nice BBS 17s and is lowered 35mm on G-max kit and a brillant service history all vw garages and WAS a dream to drive.

Have no clue where to start was wondering if you guys could help...

cheers in advance howard

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feel for you mate , fix it and keep it, you don't have to do it straight away. Is there anyone you know ie: mechanic who could help you fit the parts? You could source second hand parts, I would also geta second opinion , if the chains arent rattling then why change em? but i'm no mechanic !!good luck mate

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I might try get a second opinion but they are very good at The phirm and it seems like its a big job so i d want some one like them working on my car, some one i can trust. Might give them a ring tomorrow...I mean they suggested ebay, but thought i d get a few more opinions

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7 hours to change a head gasket seems excessive to me for a professional outfit. I'm confident I could do one in less time than that, I've only done two VR6s before. No point in selling it mate, get it done by some kind of local specialist, keep it and enjoy it!

Head gasket set is less than

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to take the head off, its not a BIG job, stealth say about 350 quid, its a matter of taking the manifold's off, doing some cam stuff (taking the chain off) and replacing the gasket.

problem with the chains is that the gearbox has to be out.

if things are terrible, it could cost nearly 1.2k according to vince at stealth, but he says its excessive if you are under 100k, but since you're over, i'd think about doing it....getting the head/chains done is a job that should be done before it dies.

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