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Committee Change - Membership Secretary

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Hi all

Just to let you know I am standing down as Membership Secretary for The VR6 Owners Club.

VR6Rich will be taking over from me in the next week or so. So if you send your membership applications through over the next two weeks please bear with us whilst the transfer over takes place.

Once the take over is complete memberships will be exatly the same and the Membership email address will stay the same but Rich will be answering any queries instead of me :)

Thanks for your co operation with this I'm sure the changeover will go smoothly and it will have minium inpact on everyone :)

P.S before anyone asks I'm not going anywhere or leaving you lot (no sarcy comments ;) ) I'm still the events girl :D

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Oh the responsibilty! lol

I look forward to answering all your membership enquiries, just be gentle with me while im getting up to speed in the next few weeks.

Would like to thank Claire for all the hard work she has put in as the membership secretary and im sure she will continue the hard work as the events organiser as she always has!

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so basically what this means is sign up quickly while Claire is still doing it as Rich couldnt organise a pissup in a brewery! ;-) Only joking mate- bet you'll do a grand job :-)

And again a thanks is in order for Claire as i know she has worked real hard at this for a long time!

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