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Okay peeps heres whats been done

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Right peeps... I'm determined to get the misfire outta this...

1/Cleaned the Cam shaft sensor - as per cracking guide Nice One!

2/ new coil pack, mine was definitely shot, performance night and day...

3/ New Magnecor leads... Yep noticeable difference..

4/ Throttle body, now immaculate..

And guess what... under damp weather only, she still has a very slight misfire... once the car warms up it performs fine no hesitation at all.. pulls better than ever.. economy is up too.. around 26 in and around town... just this infernal miss when cold/damp... mind you didn't dry the leads off then seal them before installing... plugs are brand new..MAF meter connected and appears to be working.. crank sensor maybe?? any ideas anyone...??

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