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red light cameras? how do they judge?

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I was approaching some lights at a junction and just as i went throughk, it went to amber, i then came to a stop in a queue of traffic on the other side of the lights (i went through just as it turned to amber). Looked in my rear mirror and two cars ran the lights, one turning left sharply and the other dissapered into the right hand lane, i was in stationary traffic on the left , the last car. The camera flashed :o first time i've seen one!! and the other cars were nowhere to be seen. It seemed very late to me. Do you think i'll get the fine?? even though i didn't run the red??? how do the cameras compensate for peopel who beat the speed of the camera, these cameras look old ,the grey ones. I'll take this too the courts if i get a letter!!

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Red light cameras take 2 photos in quick succession, just like GATSO speed cameras do. This enables them to determine whether a car is moving or stationary (if moving, the car will be in a different position in each photo!).

If you were stationary (and you weren't sitting in a box junction) you should be OK, barring any cock-ups at their end.

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borrowed from UKSPEEDTRAPS

These cameras monitor the traffic signals. They are positioned between twelve and twenty metres before the stop line. The state of the signals is monitored and the device is 'armed' when the red light is illuminated. When a vehicle crosses the stop line against the red light it passes over loops situated under the road surface just past the stop line. This triggers the camera, which takes two photographs. One is taken immediately and one a second later to show the passage of the vehicle through the signals. The date and time of the offence, together with the time which elapses after the red light is illuminated, are recorded on to the film. The camera also records data regarding the amber light so that the correct sequence of the lights can be proved. In addition the camera monitors the speed of vehicles as they cross the stop line.

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so hopefully i'm safe?? the camera should show me going through on amber, I was already going through when it turned to amber, it would have been unsafe to slam the anchors on.The other teo cars blatantly ran the red, it must have been on red a good 4 secs before they both ran it, think they were in a rush, and obviosly were unaware of the camera. They're enough to make a man paranoid anyway, without being in the line of fire, bloody things!

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I totally agree... Traffic light cameras are sods...especially those that are on dual carriageway junctions which come up without warning. I got done by one about 6 or 7 years ago.. it went from amber to red in the blink of an eye and unfortunately I did go through when it was red but it was too late to stop. I would have seriously caused an accident if I had braked when it went amber. I'm sure the

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