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Seems like everyone is going through the same thing.

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Should it stay or should it go.

I have had my vr for prob 8 months now and love it to bits but i drive a company van 6 days a week and only use the vr on weekends and it not always everyweekend.i have spent allot of money sorting little bits out that would have only got worse,so my wallet has seen better times lol

i have sold the tt comps so its on standard solitudes at the mo.

Sometimes i wonder if i just use it at the weekends because i have it.

wos after some advice or if anyone has a good home for it, it may have to go. :|

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it must be that seasonal disorder thing that people get when the clocks go back!

exactly , come spring summer and show time what you gonna do when you've sold the dub?? Go to a ford show? %-6 , seen a few on ed38 sell up and thier posts seem to be one of huge regret!!! People spend thousands getting there car right then sell it, to some nob who will probably hit a wall or to someone who isn't into the scene who will let it rot! Where's the sense in that, it's already been said above you'll never get what you've spent on it back and someone will get a ready made vr6 !!!

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i am feeling the same as well tbh, tho i've had mine longer than most now. feel its time for a change, but i always get the same over winter. still, it will defo be going next year at some point as the projects nearing completion and i never buy the same car twice!

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After driving my sisters 1.6 Fiesta Ghia for 2 weeks I dont need anyone to remind me why I should be keeping mine! Keep it mate - it must be that seasonal disorder thing that people get when the clocks go back!

I agree with Mr Demon :o

ya should go and drive a friend's car for a week or 2 and believe me ya miss the VR.

Ya should treat it like a women and get in it 4 times a day a take her to heaven and back 8)

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When its gone you'll miss it!

Trust me I've been without mine for 9 months now and I'm despereate to get it back so much so I even went to where I'm keeping all its stripped out bits and started to stoke my leather interior sad or what!

I have to admit the only thing I havent missed is taking it to the petrol station every five mins lol But that aside


So dont sell it if you have a little inckling that you would miss it


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