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vr6 oily spark plugs?? 1 and 6

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Hi guys this is like the part 2 from the puffing one.

i got a hihgline which had the head rebuild together with the lot chains tentiones bla bla etc......

and when i check today i found that plugs 1 and 6 are abit oily what migth be causing this????? or what is the solution???? remember i got 132,000 on the clock!!!!!

do i need better s plugs cos im using bosh at the mo.

any advice is very good at this moment ok cheerrss again.

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Mate, I really think you need to get your head looked at again. As I mentioned to you before, I'm having mine recon'd and the head came off on tuesday. Basically my exhaust guides were worn along with the stem seals, causing it to smoke on the overun.

The mechanic was of the opinion that (and I quote):

"Every low mileage VR I see in here has screwed guides and seals"

Apparently the plugs on 1 and 6 were oily and he could see exactly where the oil was coming from.

He also said that if I had left it another 6 months the head gasket would have gone as well. So I'm happy I'm having it all done.

I've had the rings tested and all seems fine with the bottom end. So my advice to you would be to get it looked at. Blue smoke means oils getting where it shouldn't be!

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