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Is heat soak a big problem with induction kits on the golf vr6 or no worse than any other car?

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I was planning on getting a BMC induction kit fitted which has its own heat shielding. However a couple of companies have said a normal ram air induction kit does not suffer at all from heat soak in the engine bay (unless the car is stationary). I'm a bit cautious about this as everywhere I have read has said any induction kit (in order to actually get a little power gain) needs to have some kind of heat shielding due to the relatively high heat emitted by the vr6. Am I right in assuming a BMC will be more effective than a normal unshielded induction kit or is there going to be no difference at all? Has anyone on here actually had their car rolling roaded after having either fitted?

Thanks for any info.


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What kind of induction kit do you have? Sounds like it does make a difference with or without heatshielding. How noise do ram air induction kits tend to be on a VR? I used to have a K&N induction kit (which was quite small) on an old xr2i and it did make a noise but wasn't that loud.

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the ram air sounds awesome! some feel its too loud tho. each to their own.

i got a ram air for mine but my engine isnt too keen on it' date=' specially in traffic. when your driving along is not so bad as the air is circulating a bit better. i taken it off, my VR runs better with the standard airbox on.


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Yep likewise, the Ramair sounds nice but very loud and does suffer from the extra hot air. My car felt much quicker with the original airbox on. In my opinion you lose all the benefits of the better filter if you then suck in hot air. I've got a BMC now and its the best of all worlds, sounds good if you want it too, engine feels perkier and no heat problems.

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get the BMC, get the cold air intake, 10 degrees to your air intake can reduce your power a fair bit. cars on the R&R will start off at 280 and then after a few runs be at 260, just becuase of the heat soak...

these engines get super duper hot, i can't stress how important it is to get that cold air in there, the heat soak is real m8, high intake temps increase cylinder temps, leading to detotation, high oil tempertures and additional heat in the engine bay, since this winter is going to be hella cold, i would expect vr6's with CAI's to make good runs on the R&R :), -4 expected tommorow evening!

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they don't charge much for fitting beacuse it's a five minute job ! ,fit it yourself, if i can do it then anyone can , plus there's a guide on here if you join which tells you how to install a bmc cda ;) if not try strictly dubs they'll do it for you ;) one here for

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Do you have a website for Strictly Dubs? And I would definitely like to buy a BMC kit for 140. Who is selling the BMC kit? I want to utilize the standard cold air feed for the standard air filter. I have been told this is very straight forward and is almost opposite the front of the BMC. Is it just a case of getting some samco hose or similar and connecting it that way? By the way I don't have air con so that won't get in the way.

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mat ,seademon was selling it , pm (personal message him) , and presonally i think the standard air feed is useless, most on here have removed the carbon cannister and utilised that area for the cold air feed that is supplied with the bmc, do a search on here, someone in 'members cars has doen a bit of a how to on the matter,


you simply relocate the cannister to the other side or get rid of it, i chose to do the former. seriously you can do it yourself , it's that easy

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