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Went to TSR Yesterday............

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Well took my valver out for its first outing to the somerset and dorset CGTI rolling road day at TSR yesterday and had a great resault!

My VR6 went down there last year for a RR day and put out 140 @ the wheels on the rollers and I put my valver on there yesterday and it produced just a little over that and the engine hasnt even been set up properly yet !amazed Yeeehaaa

Dont get me wrong i love my VR6 but mkII's really do have the capabilty to kick ass 8)

Bring on the track days!

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tho i doubt it has that much effect on the rollers. but i know what u mean! get a diff and reduced final drive in your 02a's and see the difference in ability on the road! takes some biting of the bullet, but it brings the smile back ten fold! well done claire, at least something positive has come out of this year for you so far!

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Well it was kind expected we put the first bottom end in and everything was going ok but what we didnt realise was the blimin oil pump had failed but by the time we realised it the damage was done so the engine came out the bittom end rebuild but the crank had been damaged. It got put back together with the intetion of it dyng eventually but not this quick!

Any how at least we sourced another 9A block a few weeks ago so we'll get this one sorted and put in and hopefully the car will be up and running by spring next year.

Certainly has not been my year for cars this year I hope 2006 bring me a bit more luck!

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