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central locking

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hi dubbers a wee teaser for you all,my highline has been stationary for five months or so,i put a battery in yesterday and fired it up 1st turn and it roared into life what a sweet sound, anyway my central locking has gone all my fuses are cool but get this, the interior light AND the sunroof are gone aswell i checked all inline fuses related to my bug just incase,so i am a bit perplexed, all and any input on this would b magic, you've never been wrong yet. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU VR6ERS OUT THERE,ed !lol

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A quick look at my manual shows that the sunroof and interior light are run off the same fuse No. 16 (15 amp), so if you've cheked the fuse, it may be the wiring/connectors behind the fuse box behind the fuse.

As for the central locking - can you hear the pump whirring? or is it silent?

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I had the same symptoms yesterday after I managed to short out the cigarette lighter. Had blown fuse 24, again 15 amp blue. Tucked 2nd from the door end of the fuse panel, tucked up behand the panel. You could have easily missed it if looking in poor light. Or else, again, check the wiring behind that fuse.


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goth mate i dun wot u said fuse 21 2nd one in from door,i took out the fuse and put in 1 the same and the fukr sparked and fuse looks ok so i tried with another and tried pushing it all the way home and it lit up sparked like a mo-fo so now i've just dis-connected the battery i NEED some help!! anyone have a cure my baby is sick :-(

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