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Where is it supposed to sit... (Bar on the dash pod!! Wise guys!! :D ) I mean at what temp should it sit at... Reason: The Auxiliary water pump went on mine sometime ago, so I purchased a new one, and on fitting spotted that the themostat housing wasn't too clever, renewed all this, new seals and thermostat included, and I'd always known that my rad must have had a pinhole in it due to the loss of coolant... so that all said and done, me guage now sits cooler than before, used to sit dead centre of the guage @ 90 now she tends to sit @ 80 and climbs to just passed the 90 (Tech term here: "Bawhair") above in heavy traffic, then cools back down to 80- 85ish... I know that I have nothing to worry about as its all new parts and coolant etc and it ain't overheating... So "I'll show you mine if you show me yours..." as they say !dodge

Whadya say peeps???? B)

8) 8)

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If you're referring to the oil temp then 88-90 is operating temp (unless you're booting it when it will reach high 90's) - shouldn't change much in traffic unless it's stationary more than ten mins.

If you mean the water temp gauge it should sit exactly in the middle.

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