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Any idea how much I should be paying for new rings plus fitting?

As some of you already know, I've just had my head re-con'd and it hasn't fixed the smoking problem at all. Infact, I think it's aggrovated it, don't ask me how!

If I nail the hell out of it i'm getting smoke around 5-6,000 rpm (and quite a bit of it). I'm also still getting smoke throttling on off the over-run and I can only put it down to ring ware. (Fuckin' crazy, I'll never go out and buy a low mileage car at a premium again!)

I've had a compression test and all seemed fine but I can only assume its oil rings.

The guy who did my head has quoted me around

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How long ago jay was this done, don't forget that if its been a complete rebuild then it will take time to settle and note, nor should you be booting around until you've done say around 1000 miles or so .. it will take time to carbon back up and settle down... all the edges on all the parts are new so be aware that it will take time to bed in... !sad

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Nasty thought here mate... was the head skimmed at all??... just wondering if the head has been over skimmed, this would give a reading of good to too much compression on the cylinders and cause the oil to be blown out the engine....but then IMHO it would be smoking all the time not just intermittent...

Other thought is buy a 3.2 TSR bottom end ..that would solve the problem now... would it not? at least then the bottom end wouldn't need machined, it would be ready to be installed...

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Sorry won't try and help you again.. Take a look at what your spending on "Joe Blogs Back Street Boy".. looks like hes doin' a fine job on your wheels...Crack on my friend Crack on.... and remember to build one of these engines "Properly" is approx

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when you had head rebuilt did you replace valves and valve guides? and if yes were they measured for tolerance

if the new guides were on the large side of tolerance and the valves are on the small side of tolerance it will burn oil. i have seen cars brand new with this problem

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Whats also worrying me is if I've got a worn piston as well then it's getting serious.

Worn pistons don't happen as a rule, replacing the ring is renewing the effectiveness of the piston. Bore wear is a possible, this would need to be checked while the engine is apart for new rings.

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Could it be your oil stem seals or valve guides?

Above all other things Jay, you need to check this. If your valve stem oil seals were not checked/changed last time then smoking on the over-run is entirely possible. They're the cheapest/simplest thing to rectify if they're at fault.

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