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licence details ???

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i just got done for speeding last night i got a 60 pound fine and 3 points on my licence the copper who was a complete stuck up arsehole told me they go in 3 years but is it true in your first to years of driving it is double points??? so ive actually got 6 and not 3 and one more speeding pull will lose my licence ?

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i was speedin i was doin 57 in a 30 area apparently cant understand that as it was a dual carriageway yea but ive started tlkin to my m8 again and his dad owns his own small insurance company and his dad said give him a ring but i just read a post on here about mark 4 v6 4 motions how cheaper they r gettin so im tempted by one of them now and im hardly gonna hammer it round anymore like u said i get one more i lose my licence and ill be fucked i just want a nice car and golf is my favourite that is reachable i love mark 3s and the way some of u lot on here have done them up they look really smart but im really tempted by a mark 4 now even though i dnt think u can touch a smart lookin mark 3 they look the b ollox in my eyes but then im a golf fanatic like most of u

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also if i loose my licence for another speedin conviction how long will i be banned for makes me larf yea alryt i put my foot down ive only been driving for 4 months i had another 1.4 but sum bloke write it off by smashin into the back off me i had about 3 crashes in that car none of them my fault i just was happy to drive so i cudnt be botherd with insurance shit i aint a arsehole i aint up for suing ppl they r human beings just like us and i wudnt like sum wanker to do it to me if i was unforutante but trhen u get wankers i was told by loads of ppl to claim whiplash and shit the bloke had a wife and kid to support it just goes to show there r so many cunts out there

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m8 if your doing almost double the speed limit and you've recently passed your test AND your on a dual carriage way AND the speed limit is 30mph, then there would have been signs or the fabled lamp posts at a certain intervals, then he's definately gonna bust you, no doubt he or a stationary laser guy had got you on laser.

was it an unmarked police car?

i was tailed by a marked car yesterday, following me 3 cars behind all the way round a roundabout....use your mirrors and be aware the cops are after young drivers in golfs, especially when they see a vr6 badge.

tbh m8, the best thing you can do is lay off the right pedal. your driving a powerful car, respect the power :).

Just watch out m8 ! :).

enjoy the swift acceleration to the speed limit hehe.

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3Mph more and you would have been straight to court so you you were quite lucky in some respects. If it says 30Mph thats the limit, dual carriageway or not. Since I got banned I've invested in a road angel - saved me a few times & I've only had it a couple of months. You might not necessarily be booting it and taking the p*ss but if your a few Mph over the limit and have a laser gun pointed at you your gonna get busted if you like it or not & with all the 'SPECS' cameras popping up to catch you as you go round bends etc it wont be long before everyone has a laser detector or drives dead on the limit everywhere which isnt going to happen!

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no they were marked and they got me with the gun they were hid in a side road bastards have done me ryt up it wernt a vr6 i was drivin m8 i got a 1.4 golf lol i wish it was a vr6 it looks like my dreams of havin one r now gone for a little while unless my plan comes together but its a long one so i aint gonna explain cos it will bore u..my m8s dad is a copper and he said if u have one of them things in ur car to open a garage u know the electrical garage the guns cant detect u it says error but u must prove u own a garage

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the only reason you got stopped is you were speeding, not through any badge or "stereo typing" after four months of driving you should be "learning" to drive properly, as i said in the insurance post, no experience and speed kill people, its a fact, i have to deal with the aftermath of it all usually and knock on peoples doors to tell them their relatives are dead/maimed, not a nice part of my job, its no good learning a lesson by killing someone or yourself is it? if you had hit someone doing 57 in a 30 and killed them you would go to prison for 5 years or more, the speed guns work on a completely different frequency, so all the gizmos in the world wont stop you getting caught, just be sensible and be aware of your surroundings, your not the only person on the road and its everyones safety the police look out for!

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when i was 18 i drovelike most 18 yr olds if id had a vr id have ruined it at least (and maybe killed some1)

57 in a 30 is fairly excessive if i was u i really wouldnt buy somethin as quick as a vr for at least 2-3 years they really r quicker than they feel i leant mine to my step dad when he came back he told me never to give him the keys again when i asked y he said i thought i was sittin at 50 when i looked at the speedo it was showin 120!!!! needless to say i took his arm off to get the keys back

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We've all been their dude.

Take the advise that everyone has said on this thread.

Yeah hate the Traffic Police, In my case the Essex Force are just over paid taxi drivers.

But they are here to stay, they will never go away

like it or not.

At my age I look at erm as a form of cancer of the wallet.

Just Cruise Dude........ 8) 8) 8) 8)

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overpaid!!!!!! i dont think any police officer gets enough money for all the shit they have to deal with, or abuse they get! :P i am sure a few on here would be most upset if i came into your place of work and called you a cunt or simmilar just coz i felt like it! ~:( !shy :P you have to take responsibilty for you own actions, the police simply police, we all know that we may get caught if we speed but its always "that fucking copper" at the end of it, when you were the one in the wrong stupid enough to get caught!!! no one likes authority (including some coppers :| ) but we all know the risk of breaking rules! at work your boss chews your nuts off if you muck something up (hopefully it`s female !shy ) on the streets its the police, if you drive like an irresponsible nosher then i am afraid thats your choice, as VR6Lee says, its your wallet &/or licence that suffer in the long run! ps coppers do stick on and nick other coppers too!!! been there seen that etc! !amazed

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overpaid!!!!!! i dont think any police officer gets enough money for all the shit they have to deal with' date=' or abuse they get! :P [/quote']

:o Yes Overpaid.......

I Should know It comes out of my taxes :P;)

And I read the Daily Mail :D

I'm Joe Public

All they do is sit in doing paper work when its cold, drive around in the plod mobile waiting for young drunken women to come out of the pubs and offer them a lift home........

When they have finished having sex with erm they go and hide around the corner and nick her old man for speeding !lol :P;)

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coppers do stick on and nick other coppers too!!! been there seen that etc! !amazed

!lol !amazed !lol

Don't believe it after reading the press last week

I do wonder if Essex Police and the wonderful

Met Police have a chart against each other.

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