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this one's on the 2nd friday of every month, mostly old air-cooled campers but a few of us have got golfs and newbees. agood friendly crowd if you fancy an easy friday night out. The meet is held at The Railway Telegraph pub on the south circular in Forest Hill. Meet starts about 8pm and there's a large-ish car park there for those of you wanting a drink or two ;)

Feel free to have a look at their website: www.se4vw.co.uk or just pop along

A. !alien

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2nd dub meet in south london is at the Harvester pub on the corner of Lordship lane and, again the south circular! this one has a very good sized car park and is very nice on the summer with seating outside the pub.

Meet's on the first monday of the month and car's cover the early 50's dub's upto 2001 golfs Not a club, just a group of us that meet there and eat ice cream or death by chocolate !shy

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last one for now is the 'paint scrappers' They meet in Danson park either on the 4th wednesday of the month or the last wednesday, not sure which is is but surely there's not that many months with 5 wednesday in them :? anyway, proper details are here: http://www.paintscrapers.co.uk/modules.php?name=NuCalendar&op=ShowEvent&month=01&day=25&year=2006&eventid=2

Knowing my luck that'll run out after January's finished !mistrust

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