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just the reaction i thought i would get. i wasn't asking for you're views' date=' i was askin if you new anyone. but considering you lot wouldn't even talk to anyone who drove anything other than a vw this was prob a total waste of time.this was the only thing that put me off gettin a vr! the risk of bein labeled a wanker.and reading some of these post's i can see why we get such a bad rep! coz its true!!!!! the general feelin on this site is 'if it isn't a vw then it must be shit'.when asked what other cars you would drive, you lot never seem to venture further than audi! its sad.


To be fair most of the people I know on the dub scene like other cars apart from VWs... you're comments about VW owners are just as stereotypical as some of the comments made about vauxhall owners.

Just because someone doesnt like cavaliers that doesnt mean that they immediately become a blinkered vw wanker ... it means they dont like cavaliers!

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speaking of bargain fun my mates just bought an M535i on a C plate for a grand....:-D fsh from new!!!!

220 bhp and it goes very sideways very easily.....

We looked at a carlton GSI 3000 and the rust on it was really bad- hardly any sills left at all. Shame - i loved these when i was younger, and wouldve been a great drift car for 500 quid :-D

Keep looking mate, im sure one will come up... just test drive one first as i bet many have been abused and like my mates, it gave him no end of trouble. And at least if you test drive one you will know if you really want to sell your dub for one...

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Being a cut above the rest i would have to disagree' date=' Chavaliers are awfull, they are "housing estate must haves" where people strip one out and leave it on their lawn till it finally rusts away, or someone ocupies it %-6


there is a diff between cavalier and chavalier ANY car can be made chavvy

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the Chavalier is a mode of transport for people on the dole, usually smelling of wee and wearing a lot of "adore" tracksuits and trainers, they also tend to have 17 children, all with different surnames, :P;)

I do agree that there are better cars than a vw, but none have been mentioned so far! and no amount of filler in the arches will make a cavalier go up the list! ;)

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Is it me, or is the forum heating up just a little these days? Must be the cold weather i think. Velocity, what u choose to drive is your business m8, but i think the peeps on here r just trying to stop u from possibly making a regretful mistake. Many have gone away only to return.I love my VR, but no way do i think it's the Holy Grail of performance machines,theres plenty more i'd have, but for the monies theres little to touch it .

For me, it's the family it brings you when u own a VW. The scene is imense.

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i test drove pretty much everytin i could from 3k up when i was lookin for a

car, i would probably of been drivin a cavalier turbo just now as the 1 i drove was immaculate. the car had done 60k and he had the transfer box done at 55k for piece of mind rather than needin it done. what i was lookin for with my money was somethin wi a bit of go and as low miles as poss and really well looked after. ended up wi the vr due to the fact it had 47k miles and over 200hp. i still reckon the cavalier would b a no contest hands down winner accleration, top speed and handlin to b honest. i would still own 1 with out a doubt, but it would hav to b well looked after and a good example. to b honest once i hav a couple more yrs no claims i can see myself goin straight to cosworth power, if looked after right and regulary will giv u miles n miles of enjoyable hassle free motoring!! (what car doesnt need looked after and mantained, the busiest thread in here is mechanical problems!!)

purple highline monster what makes u think ur a cut above the rest anyway?? i`m not sure if its just me but u seem to b comin across as a bit of a prick to b honest

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purple highline monster what makes u think ur a cut above the rest anyway?? i`m not sure if its just me but u seem to b comin across as a bit of a prick to b honest

PHM is having a dig at me over the comments I made about the police and his attitude in another thread. I wouldn't worry about it.

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Hi Chris, I have been out in both a Cavalier 4x4 Turbo and Calibra Turbo and can honestly say thay are bloody quick!

Don't forget the Police used Cavalier 4x4 Turbos for a while. Running rear in the 4x4 isn't too reliable apparently.

I used to know a guy who had one and he spent a forture at Courtney getting it tuned, to be honest it didn't make that much difference. If your going to get one unless its tuned it wont really be much quicker than a VR because of the 4x4 running gear that saps all the power.

If you really want BIG HP, your going to deffo need a copper head gasket or wire ringed block to cope with big boost as the standard haead gaskets pop if you run megga PSi. Then you'll need water injection to cool the inlet charge properly or an oversized or cozzi intercooler. Then the running gear starts to let go and the clutches melt much over 250bhp, Vauxhall parts don't have a great reputation for strength and the gearboxes turn to porridge (not to mention the squeeky clutch pedals!!).

They are quick mate and a well sorted one will keep up with a decient Sappi Cosworth no problem, don't forget Cosworth developed the 16v head for Vauxhall, they also suffer badly from cracking/disintigrating valve guides, as they need to be rev'd alot to make them go.

I really wanted an Astra GSi when they were new then people started putting GSi turbo lumps in them and I nearly bought one. But after careful consideration with build quality etc I made a pass on them.

All in all mate, it'll cost you alot less to modify one that wastes a VR, but be prepared to have bits rebuilt or replaced alot more often. ; )

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oh rite thanks for pointin that out mk3anni, nice of some 1 to point it out rather than get emotional!

now i`m sure u pointed this out somewhere phm but thats just my opinion on u after readin ur various post and reply`s to peoples post and every1 is entitled to there opinion!! if you had read the original question he wasn`t askin if any1 was wanted to air there opinions on cavalier`s he wanted to no if anyone knew of someone wantin to swap for a vr. now i`m not tryin to get this thread locked as its not mine and velocity was askin a reasonabile question which is what this the general section is for is it not!! as for wand rider, ur not still 14 r u!!

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oh rite thanks for pointin that out mk3anni' date=' nice of some 1 to point it out rather than get emotional!

now i`m sure u pointed this out somewhere phm but thats just my opinion on u after readin ur various post and reply`s to peoples post and every1 is entitled to there opinion!! if you had read the original question he wasn`t askin if any1 was wanted to air there opinions on cavalier`s he wanted to no if anyone knew of someone wantin to swap for a vr. now i`m not tryin to get this thread locked as its not mine and velocity was askin a reasonabile question which is what this the general section is for is it not!! as for wand rider, ur not still 14 r u!!


so you thought you would just launch a personal assault on me? just because i defended my corner and voiced my feeling or opinion on something? you had no part in any of the discusion you refer, so maybe you should of remained "neutral" in your comment? to be honest i dont care what your opinion is of me, i never directly insulted anyone, let alone yourself, (up untill the wand rider comment ;) ) i am so sorry that the job i do causes so much offence to people i really am, people make scathing comments about vw owners all being wankers, nothing said???????? i find most of the people on this forum really fair, some are just clearly out to stick the boot in when they feel like it, then blame others, oh well, i maintain my opinion on what i have expressed, as do many others, dosnt mean you can post up insults as you fell like does it?

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All left hookers though. I've checked out quite a few Lotus Carltons and alot of them have megga miles on them not to mention the price!

Warren, I really wish I could get my head around driving a left hand drive car as I'm really missing out!

I drove a left hand drive Jeep in Corfu for the first time last year and it wasn't too bad as it was on the right side (or left so too speak) of the road but must be wierd over here.

What a monster though :)

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PHM is a dude, his posts are funny and never derogatory against anyone. Why get at him just because his opinion is different to yours? Don't get so offended over facetious comments. We all love the VR6 on this site (hence it's title) at least that's something we can agree on! In response to the original question no i don't know anyone with a cav turbo to swap, but i know plenty of cav owners and they probably think they have the better car!

live and let live!

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Hello mate, try . www.westmidsonline.co.uk, www.migweb.co.uk, www.cavweb.co.uk, I have a got a mint 1990 SRI aswell as my VR and have to say I do like it, t's not a turbo but it is the SEH engine ( 136 BHP ) and it is still pretty damn nippy, I've totally stripped mine, new arches which as previously stated are a real problem but at £9 each not expensive, then it's sill but then they are £10 a side so cheap, had mine fully sprayed again in oroginal bright red, new alloys, full system and tubualr manifold and it shifts quite well.

They are very cheap to repair with so many second hand and new bits available, transfer boxes are a problem but for £80 you can convert them to FWD, they're on ebay reconditioned for £100 aswell, you can also make them switchable for 4WD and 2WD. Turbos are Group15 insurance, papprox 6.4 to 60 and a similar top end to a VR. Try to et one with leather though and they are worth more as not all Turbos came with leather. Also by Total Vauxhall for more info an possible sales. I may be selling my Cav at the minute but that's only because I've always been into dubs aswell after my show Scirocco and ALWAYS wanted a VR and now I do I can't see myself driving the Cav so often, except if the weathers bad lolol, other sway for me was the Dub people and friends I made, the Vaux boys and girls are ace but just not as good.

Do some searching dude you will find one and more than likely a good one as they are that rare the ones you do ind have been loved.


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