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Deal of the Year! New Wheels!

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I can't believe my luck today, think I'd best do the lottery asap! ;)

Was minding my own business when this lad from up the road with a Modded Saxo comes strolling up to me. From beneath the peek of his Burberry cap and in between being mesmorised by his neon pink mobile dangling from one of the Elizabeth Duke chains around his neck he pipes up about some wheels he has I may be interested in?

Anyway to cut a long story short he wants to know if I'd be interested in a P/X on my wheels as he reckons if he gets some 400mm spacers my rear 9x17's could be pushed out enough to fill out the plastic fantastic fibre glass rear arches on his Saxo. Plus he reckons the Mulberry/Purple will contrast well against his Orange/Green flip paint :P

Well who could resist?

So I done the deal, I swopped all this........


For these beauties 7"x17" complete with Marshal tyres no less!


A great deal as you can see as I only had to give him £200 on top as he reckons all those brand new Stainless rims and Toyo's aren't that great. But the proofs in the pudding, can't believe how good they look, excuse the dark pics but was so excited had to get them on and snaps done asap!




The only down side is I may have to lift the coilovers up a bit as its sat too low now without the 9's on the back :oops:

MMMmmm.... Now where's the rest of that crate of Tennents Super I've been drinking all afternoon gone? I must celebrate!

;) Simon ;)

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Quick update for all those that have been PMing me, and thanks for all the support people, choosing new rims can be such a nightmare! :oops:

Apologies to all those that wanted pics of the Saxo, but apparently the flip paint on it also adds some sort of Stealth cloaking device so wouldn't show up on my cam?

Filled arches now and good stretch on tyres:



A quick comparison for the doubters out there?



Sorry there rushed but was worried as looked like rain and the "Hyper Halfords Silver" paint can be a nightmare on the salty/wet roads to keep shiney, so had to put it away.

Keep the comments coming......


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