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B&M Short Shifter - worth it?

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Does he suppy it in a kit so you can fit it yourself.

How about sorting one of you famous GB Cadguy ;)

Not sure if he'll suppy a kit, i know a guy (id:dubisle - matt) on www.dubforce.net is well established in supplying short shifts, check thread http://www.dubforce.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2153&hl= . He supplies on an exchange basis, he'll send you one and you return your old one. £70 iirc

Tim @ The Phirm said he can make up a short shift to your own preference. From nearly stock to race shift.

Have i not got enough GB's going atm ;)

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Does he suppy it in a kit so you can fit it yourself.

How about sorting one of you famous GB Cadguy ;)


When I had mine fitted Tim said he won't do them mail order, as he likes to fit and set them up himself, that way he knows its working well and that the customer will be happy.

The gear shift he makes uses a stadard VW one as a starting point, so you'd have to send him your gear lever to start with anyway I would have thought!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate. Blimey you didn't take long to get your short shift! Tim's short shift's did look good. Which one did you end up going for...did you go for a very short 'race' one or one inbetween? Is it very easy to select the 'correct' gear etc and do you think your car accelerates faster due to the shorter shift? I'm popping over to The Phirm next Sat so will speak to Tim more about his quick shifts. (Did you have to let your ins. company know about the quick shift?..is it something they would know or even detect! Mine (Elephant) got real confused when I mention any kinds of mods to them!)


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Matt, How does a short shift inprove a cars ability to accelerate??? It doesn't, it only improves the drives ability to select a gear, so if your car and my car where side by side in 2nd and we both accelerated, the short shift will make NO difference, however I would still beat you.

You should declare ALL mods to your insurance company.

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m3anni... yet again we clash! :) I was under the impression shorter gear changes (for example DSG in the golf gti) improved the overall 0-60 time. Of course it doesn't make the car go 'faster'...LOL. But what I meant is surely if it takes less time to actually change gear you are also taking time of the total it takes to reach certain speeds...mainly quarter miles as these require a lot of gear changes. Anyway, cadguy (what's your name mate by the way..never caught it when we were down the Phirm) did the short shift reduce side to side motion as well as forward to back, or just forward to back? I think any improvement over stock is very welcome. I'll find out more this Sat.


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Your theory is quite right Matt, a short shift, in conjunction with a half able driver will indeed reduce 0-60 times, however, your choice of terminology (does it improve the cars ability to accellerate) led me to belive you where under the impression that a short shift makes a car go faster which it does not.

The short shift reduces front to back motion, not side to side. Tim made mine for me back in the summer, and your right, the improvement is most welcome.

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