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I don't know if is the right section to post this. I have the original vw sony cd multichanger in my VR which works fine with original cd's but jumps (sometimes really badly) with copied cd's. the things on the sides are turned to the correct angle for the way it's installed. any ideas?

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a) Has the problem just started?

B) Are all the copies made using the same blanks?

c) and/or on the same burner?

I'd suggest trying a different brand of media. Also try burning them at a lower speed which should help to reduce the 'jitter' and help the laser to keep on track.


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Cheers dubloke, sorry about that. It's from 97 when the car was made. I also had a thought that cd players of that age were made to not play copied cd's to stop piracy, but since i tunes etc companies have started making their players play copied cd's again. does anyone know if this is so? not got that in my car Whitedog but it is the ring tone on my phone!! ha ha

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