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Ok on sunday i cleaned my car atarted it up and left it running for a few mins then turned it off.

Went to go for a drive yesterday and the battery was flat, so flat that the battery was only 1.66V :o

I charged the battery overnight then refitted it and tested the drain with a multimeter and there was a 0.38A drain :S seems a bit too high to me.

AS far as i know there aren't any lights that stay on etc. i'm just going to have to pull fuses one by one until i find a culprit.

Someone has mentioned that it could be worn brushes in the alternator regulator but other than that it's a case of hunt the drain :(

Any other ideas?

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I'm clutching at straws. Alarm maybe? Also the central locking pump? I've heard of that causing a flat battry by running constantly after the doors have beeen locked.

Have u tested the battery just to make sure its not got a dead cell?

Try disconnecting it overnight.


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I'm gonna try pulling fuses and disconnecting things to narrow it down today.

Not the central locking pump as far as i know, i can't hear it going and the battery is around 9-10 months old, as i'm getting a measurable drain current i'd imagine that rules the battery out.

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I have known faulty alternators to cause a drain on battery when not running.

yeah, i've been told it could be the bushes in the alternator regulator that have worn, i'll keep it in mind :)

i'll need to locate the alternator first lol no doubt it'll be hard to get to on the VR :(

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