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I am sure my car was sent by Satan to test me. It is suffering severe power loss. Have read some old posts on the matter and they pointed to the hall sensor but the hall sensor that is in is only about 3 months old. Thought about the crank sensor, but after reading some old posts, doesn't seem likely as it starts no problem after a few turns of the crank usually. Are there any other sensors that can cause power loss? I have checked the usual suspects (plugs, leads, coilpack, maf) and still runs the same.The car should have Riggs' num plate (6) Have it booked for a diagnostic next week if I can't sus it by then. Cheers.

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Right, is the power loss intermittent?

Does it only occur at a certain speed or throttle opening?

Is the power loss noticable through the whole rev range?

Have you noticed any difference in fuel consumption?

Have you noticed any difference in operating temperature?

I could probably give a few suggestions withanswers to the above.

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Thanks for the replies lads! Here goes,

Squirreleater- Fuel pump is a possibility I never thought about, but does rev to over 5000rpm but takes a while to get there, another reason I dont think its the crankshaft sensor.

Eat this- The power loss has been to gradual, over a couple of weeks, I think to be the timing chain. Plus just had the head gasket done 2 months ago and had a new upper chain tensioner put on as old one was kebabed.

Dellert- Like I said , have checked all the obvious. The plugs are only 3 months old, tried new plug leads and coilpack, disconnected the maf, throttle body is nearly polished its that clean and a new air filter. The car has FSH so would think the fuel filter is not that old.

Devildub- The loss is not intermittent, it's from start up to switching off.In second gear at about 1500rpm, put your foot down and it limps to 45mph and is noticable right through the rev range. The fuel consumption is no different, as is the operating temperature. If anything the fuel consumption is better cos I don't bother booting it :-d I have noticed the engine idle speed seems a bit lower than normal. Used to idle about 700rpm, now just over 600rpm. Hope this helps a bit. Cheers.

PS- car is now called Christine.

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