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Decided to change rear discs and pads as brakes were noisy but when I took the wheels off I realised that it was a lot more complicated than other cars where they are just held on by the wheel bolts :@

Anyway, I didn't dare taking out the, what i guessed was an abs sensor, but realised that the handbrake on the rhs wheel was sticking so applied lots of WD40 ( carefully ! )and pushed and pulled it loads of times. This seemed to do the trick until I applied the handbrake, which of course pulls it even more, and it got stuck again. This morning driving to work I could feel that the car was slightly held back and when I touched the disc it was red hot ! No wonder the rear brakes are noisy.

Anybody encountered this before ? and are there any quick fixes ?

As always, thanks guys and girls :)

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Have you disconnected the handbrake cable to see if it is the cable sticking or the caliper? The cable is really easy to pop off the caliper and this would tell you where to look. I have heard that the calipers have a tendency to get seized up, but they are not hugely expensive. I got some for mine they were VW recon ones for £50. Brand new ones are not available anywhere. They charge you almost double that but give you the money back when you hand the old caliper in. Also did you take the caliper off? As the rear calipers need to be wound back when changing pads and discs etc!

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