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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2015 in all areas

  1. Well my VW Cam tool arrived in the post today so I thought I would whip the head of this engine. Its all down to this weather or not I can carry on. Needless to say she was fine inside no scores or marks to any of the bores so happy days onwards & upwards! Still waiting the Victor Reinz but its due Monday so once that's here everything goes back together! Also fitted ARPs today! Will be keen to get the car in the workshop haha! Thanks for popping in people....
    3 points
  2. Ok small update. I had noticed the pulley was slightly damaged upon inspection. The outer rib has somehow rubbed on something and rolled the outer lip inwards. Not to worry. A very helpful person (the same person who made up my dual tensioner spacers infact) made a tool to un-roll it! Before: After: Good as new [emoji106]
    3 points
  3. ky_uk

    New VR6 new hope!

    So the blow of valve make me smile like a kid but the supercharger is in desperate need of a full service!
    2 points
  4. ky_uk

    New VR6 new hope!

    Sick of let downs so I bought myself a welding kit [emoji23] this could be fun, going to have enough equipment to open a garage at the rate this is going!
    1 point
  5. Sorry for jumping on your thread pappers, but I could do with knowing about this too
    1 point
  6. Looking good dude. If you want it totally mint. Put it in some caustic soda, to removed the anodising, leave it 10-15mins and the anodising will just wipe off, no sanding needed to remove it. Then get it re-anodised, powder coat, or paint it.
    1 point
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