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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2015 in Posts

  1. So update on the car! Good news is that air filter is on order from US. $35 ordered it via a mate in USA and shipping via him to me. Got the intake pipe back and have to say has been fabricated really well! Welds are amazing and will great under the bonnet! Also had the spacer made. It's good enough considering all I had was a drawing from a mate in the USA. Bolts align and that's all that matters really! Also bought a catch can off Mike on here so that's another item off the list! Next is to mock it all up so can measure what length belt I will need in advance of fitting. Hoping to
    2 points
  2. RBPE

    mk1 Golf 360hp v's Supercars

    French mk1 20vt GT3071 v's a few cars - I always like to see these things as it gives you a good perspective in terms of performance on the road with a fwd old skool motor! ch/cv is French for hp if ayone didn't know:
    1 point
  3. That sounds expensive! [emoji15] I need to get my n.o.s block and pistons built up soon, as I'm fed up with looking at it and all the parts around my toolbox at work, plus my old engine is probably not going to last forever!
    1 point
  4. I have just ordered some wossner pistons and booked my block in for work to make it 3.0 litre so finally the ball is moving [emoji12]
    1 point
  5. Wasn't to hard just a bit of elbow grease, a small dye grinder, a can of etch primer, a can of gloss black and finally a can of wheel silver, I restrained myself from going too mad and 2 pack priming it to smooth it and then base and laquering it, just wanted it to look clean and new. [emoji41]
    1 point
  6. Wow that's clean!! I want to do mine [emoji106]
    1 point
  7. Just a little update, as this being a Dad stuff seems to take a fair bit of time up! [emoji23] I'm planning to change the clutch soon, so got the gearbox I've had sitting around for ages which is fitted with a Quaiffe diff cleaned and painted up and fitted with new driveshaft and end cap seals. While I was at it I smoothed a few casting marks out as well, this was the etch primer, All done and back together; I've also reinforced a spare clutch fork I had laying about, so now I just need to get a clutch and fit it.
    1 point
  8. Update time!!!! Well I'm back from my trip to Romania and Germany! Drank way too much beer (ever heard of a beer wheel?) had one in Romania. Bad idea. Didn't expect 11 pints!! Germany was mega! Arrived in time for a massive festival of beer and Sausage in Furth! Naturally bought back some goodies! Litre can of beer!
    1 point
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