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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2016 in all areas

  1. another reason why people need to get to VW Festival next year[emoji16]
    3 points
  2. Well, the rain had stopped. It was still a mild evening. Things started to dry out..... Best crack on with the clutch and gearbox refit then! All went well, no dramas. Found it easier to remove the shifting tower to get it back together... All bolted back up. More or less complete and ready for a clean under the bonnet and to attack the brakes tomorrow now. Found my goodridge hoses in the garage. Fronts are the correct ones, need to check the rears. Calipers will get a coat of paint too. Enough waffling for now, my back is sore and a need a beer lol..... Hope for a dry day tomorro
    2 points
  3. As some of you may know I recently bought another Golf VR6 from an advert headed 'VR6 disposal Essex' on here, from a very nice chap called Nigel. It turns out Nigel had owned the car for 16 years and the only previous owner was a friend of his. Apart from a couple of photos that was all I knew about the car. So I took the plunge sent a buddy of mine with a recovery truck over to Billericay to 'rescue' it. Worst case if it's a basket case me and@bealieboy currently own a Mk3 van and would have been able to make use of the running gear[emoji51].
    1 point
  4. Hi Guys I thought I would do an update as I have found some time to do some work on the car and ive even managed to take it to a couple of shows. Because I was taking it to some shows there were a couple of things I wanted to sort out as they were letting the car down. first of all was the rear tail lights. They have been tint sprayed red previously but the light has got them and started to turn them orange as you can see So I masked them up and re-tinted them to get them looking half decent again Im pretty
    1 point
  5. Fair enough dude. Main thing it got you there and back with very little drama
    1 point
  6. Almost looks like you have a creased wing when you see this full size! Awesome shot while your rolling high!
    1 point
  7. It's done well for original alternator. Halfords was an hour away and the bolt in the old alternator was just spinning in the case due to already being cracked, so there was no hope besides time was ticking and as soon as we finished fixing it up at just after 9pm jumped in the car and drove 300 miles home [emoji85] just needed take the quickest route to get the job done
    1 point
  8. Boys thanks for all the kind words! Was an absolute pleasure and a great weekend! The food the beer the company and the cars! All great! We had a far better location this year for the club stand and all the cars looked great. So thanks to all who made it and supported us! That will be a definite for me again next year. Really is the show not to be missed.
    1 point
  9. Best weekend for a long time, absolutely hilarious antics and banter with the lads. Some great looking cars, just about everywhere you looked! For those that missed it, you are nuts, get your arses down there next year, for me it's the best show of the calendar!!! Dave, thanks very much to you and your better half, the food was very much appreciated and surprisingly edible! [emoji87] From now, you will no longer be called Dave Bradley, you will be called "Legend" with various amounts of sarcasm!!! Top weekend guys, great company!! [emoji1360]
    1 point
  10. I'm home. How I don't know but I've made it. Rough as a donkey's piles but that was the best weekend I've had in a long time. Thanks to Dave B (Our Club Chef) who's feed me and my boys and had me in stitches all weekend. Thanks to all the club members who attended. It's been one hell of a quality weekend. Here's some pics.....
    1 point
  11. Damn right I did. Nothing keeps me away from VWNW! George and Dan were diamonds and helped me out big time! Of course they did all the work and I sat back with a brew [emoji23][emoji23] joking of course... Big job to get alternator off with charger. Ended up taking front end off, charger, pulleys just to get to alternator. At that point noticed the bolt was rounded off and just spinning in the housing so had to smash the alternator apart to get mole grips on it so could remove the nut. The alternator was clicking when spinning. Although bearings looked OK and was still s
    1 point
  12. Hi Guys I thought I would make another video of all my runs at santa pod, so here it is! Golf Mk2 stage 3 supercharged VR6 runs @ santa pod raceway I hope you enjoy the video. The car has been running great lately, I'm so pleased with it. i will be going to a few shows with her and hopefully I will have it on a track in the coming weeks. I will keep you posted with how it all goes.
    1 point
  13. one of mine -
    1 point
  14. Bloody hell , I actually managed to upload a picture without asking for the wife's help... Well here's another picture uploaded all by myself...
    1 point
  15. Here's a picture of my car, well that's if I've done it right..
    1 point
  16. You most probably don't want to read or hear this, but it's worth knowing.... I would check the small oil holes, on bottom of the camshaft bearing (which are called the camshalfs saddle I believe) Each camshaft saddle should have it's own oil feed hole, with the two either end of the cylinder head having grooves. One of these could have become blocked from the debbry from the old broken con rod bearing, or other junk and crap. VR6's (plus many other cars) run on these 'plane' style bearings. They work by the shaft floating on a thin film of oil, using the hydroplane principle
    1 point
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