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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi. I've lurked for ages. Probably popped up occasionally when I had my mk2 vr. But now have a new toy. I love it! The mk2 was aw some but this is just a bit more refined, seats I actually fit in, suspension that's firm but not crashing, no cabin that stinks of petrol due to deleted pcv. I could go on. But here's a pic of the new beast instead.
    1 point
  2. Yeah I know! But it was enjoyable and sometimes stressful[emoji36]
    1 point
  3. Hi Guys I thought I would do an update as I have found some time to do some work on the car and ive even managed to take it to a couple of shows. Because I was taking it to some shows there were a couple of things I wanted to sort out as they were letting the car down. first of all was the rear tail lights. They have been tint sprayed red previously but the light has got them and started to turn them orange as you can see So I masked them up and re-tinted them to get them looking half decent again Im pretty
    1 point
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