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  1. johan238



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2016 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Right, update time!!! I decided to take the car off the road for a couple of weeks as one of the shocks was leaking. I started by stripping off the suspension and wheels. I sent the shocks to GAZ to get serviced with new rods and seals and decided to send the wheels to the powder coaters as they were looking a little tired and I fancied a colour change! Whilst the car was up on stands doing nothing I thought I would spend the time rebuilding the gearbox as it was getting a little noisy and I didn't like the look of the oil that came out of the l
    1 point
  3. VR6Pete


    Cheeky. Loved the hella twins on my old mk3. Nice colour too! What you got planned for it mate
    1 point
  4. Morning folks! Not a great deal to report but finally got the new rolling shell into the garage I have built (oversized shed) and started looking through all the junk that's been left inside. Quite surprised there is almost a full interior, painted black pillars, black roof liner and loads of little spares that will come in handy. Found some bonnet lifters so got those fitted straight away as I had nothing propping up the bonnet and resting it on your head gets old real quick Excuse the state of the bay I removed the front slam panel so we could tow it via the subframe and it's a littl
    1 point
  5. hvr6

    VR6OC Membership

    Hi Natasha, I have posted this weekend, I was waiting on stickers, thanks Helen
    1 point
  6. I will do both [emoji106]?. I have added myself though [emoji6]
    1 point
  7. JakeP

    Turbo Build

    Right so finally got my engine back so now for some building , seeing as all the bolts and bits for the engine are in bags and half of them aren't labelled this is going to be fun lol Got a few bits on like the oil filter housing , rear mount , crank sensor and started with the oil cooler but need to buy the UM external oil cooler pipe to in both OEM oil cooler and my Mocal external oil cooler
    1 point
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