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  1. bennyk



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2016 in Posts

  1. bennyk


    I'm with HIC really good with mods, mines about £300 with all mods, (which is a lot!) declared but I am old now[emoji15][emoji24] at 34
    2 points
  2. Brannonc4


    Hi, just purchased a supercharged vr6 mk2 - im 20. Can anybody recommend an insurer worth trying? Here's a pic of the car to introduce myself
    2 points
  3. AndyVR32

    New member

    Hey all, new member to this forum but I've been a member on the R32oc for around a year and a half since I got my mk5 R32. Here's a pic.
    1 point
  4. This weeks errr progress or more me tinkering I suppose [emoji848] I've decided to revert back to the original bumpers so I can fit the full Votex kit as the rear bumper doesn't fit US bumpers at all and the front doesn't fit properly as shown on the previous page, so I thought that I'd have a play with the plate recess on the front bumper to match my shortened rear one.@donnyboy kindly donated his old front bumper for me to cut bits out of, so I could try the following; Trimmed about; Holes cut into bumper, no going back at this point; All hot stapled and plastic welded in; A skim of filler
    1 point
  5. bennyk


    I was surprised as well, got an agreed value on it obviously, it may help that one of their office's is a the bottom of my road though!
    1 point
  6. Extra because its 17 yrs old...... Now that's the bit that gets my back up. Never ever have I had breakdown cover on any of my (old cars) or motorbikes (new'ish) over the past 27 yrs, or there abouts. It was only this time round that I/we did at the wife's insistence.. It would appear to me that the likes of the RAC, AA, Green Flag etc are quite happy to take our money in the obvious hope that we don't breakdown.. Then if we do, its then a case of "Ahh, well your car is old, err, its non standard, err its over 3 yrs old, err we don't know what to do with it. Oh actually yes we do, we'll charge
    1 point
  7. Seal kits are available from BigRed on eBay
    1 point
  8. Looks good this mate. Can I ask where have you run your air lines for the 4 corners?
    1 point
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