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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2017 in Posts

  1. RBPE

    What turbo for my VR6/R32?

    Can't believe there isn't a "which turbo?" thread as a sticky. As I'm always asked this by builders and as it always crops up here I will give my 2p's worth! . First of all, this is just a basic guide for VR/R specific "what turbo's?", specific info on turbo speccing I would suggest reading things like this; https://turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/basic and going through all their guides plus many more threads on the net. This is probably for noobs then who don't want to learn that! I would estimate that around 90% of owners that come to me are usually looking for around
    1 point
  2. Hi everyone on way to my mates today to put car on a code reading machine and I was driving all a bit sluggish then it just start firing on 5 plugs it was horrible no power sounded terrible worse than my old stock car then I got to my mates before we put it on the reader I pulled out new spark plug leads he found that one was weaker by checking power ov leads and one was down on numbers I don't understand it all so changed the one lead and bang the car was back to full throttle again no loss of power so it was a broken lead in the end after Changing everything oh well should be good for a whil
    1 point
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