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Everything posted by VR6Pete

  1. VR6Pete

    A Sad Day

    oh no mate how come buddy? Your always more than welcome mate, maybe you should buy a VR6 as a weekend car now that they are cheap enough ive been to a few shows in my punto before, so don't worry
  2. Bit bored tonight so I dug out the old this old gem! Tuned it in on the tele box and the bloody thing still works! Got sonic, sonic 2, James pond 3, cool spot and a few others. Happy Christmas ! Have anyone of you got any retro consoles? Club Chairman
  3. Only reason I sold my Brock B2's was because u couldn't get the car low enough for them to look good! Lol The colours should start coming through on the stone before long ! Club Chairman
  4. Been at my house 5 years now and finally just had my drive sorted! Before: After: Totally transformed, and now might be able go lower on the Corrado now the steep bits have been tweaked Club Chairman
  5. Looking at PokerTH , the latest beta has support for webcams / sound etc... http://www.pokerth.net/ Seems be available for quite a few platforms too, only downside is no IOS app. But there is a html5 version. Watch this space I wanted get one that integrated with the site, but it needs a dedicated server so won't work for us Anyone got any other suggestions? Club Chairman
  6. Possibly selector tower, they are quite common. Club Chairman
  7. Terrible news Club Chairman
  8. I was told that the exhaust valve guides usually need replacing after 80k and usually fixes most oil consumption issues. Club Chairman
  9. Hi Mark, I'm afraid your a little late for ultimate dubs, the team voted for which cars would represent the club a few weeks ago and these have already submitted to the organisers. be sure to visit more often if you would like to represent the club at other events I will be posting up events over the coming weeks for 2014 - car looks fresh, get your members ride thread updated P Club Chairman
  10. Looks awful lol Club Chairman
  11. Might want to think about wrapping the manifold before fitting it Club Chairman
  12. I do have a good sized hammer. Works a treat for persuading items to come off. Club Chairman
  13. Yeah. The factory imob will show up on vag com. I have all the diagnostic software for clifford alarm. Could it be in valet mode or something? Club Chairman
  14. That's very strange! My samco hose is a single hose and there's probably no reason why that's like that! Club Chairman
  15. That's awesome! If only I was loaded and could afford one of them lol! Club Chairman
  16. There's a fitting guide in our club members area Club Chairman
  17. Daveyboy. Please reply to Michael's PM asap otherwise you risk loosing your place at UD, we need to forward details to the organisers. Cheers. Pete Club Chairman
  18. wonder how reliable that is.
  19. Blue temp sensor tells the ECU the temperature of the engine. It's quite important and will probably make your engine run lumpy and possibly over fuel. Should be a simple job to solder back up and use wire heat wrap to make it neat
  20. I could possibly setup software on the website if anyone fancies a poker night? It would be for fun money only though If there's a lot of interest I'll get it setup. Cheers Pete
  21. Taken from another thread on here, what essential items do you have in your man tool kit / man draw? In my toolkit I have: Drill Dremel Cable ties Gaffer tape 10mm / 13mm spanner There's not much I can't fix with those lol In my man draw I have Batteries (probably all flat) More cable ties Tape Superglue And a million envelopes and old phone chargers! Out of date cheque book What do you have in yours? Club Chairman
  22. If it's taking ages to fire when cranking over then I'd say possibly crank sensor but doesn't explain why dash lights don't come on. Club Chairman
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